Things I learnt on my way to 24th birthday!

Today I turn 24.

Years in a row, I feel incredibly fortune to be alive and continue sharing happiness around. I had lived a few years of my life and I am grateful for all the ups and downs, thick and thins. It was a roller coaster ride to me, sometimes high and joyous and the other time's sun didn't shined. And on my birthday I am sharing most of what I have learnt and still learning. So, these are the things I learnt on my way to 24th birthday!

  • LIVE WITH GRACE- You will never lose what is meant to stay. So never resist or force anything. What's meant to be yours is already making its way to you. With time it will all make sense. For now, bear the confusion and focus on living gracefully in the present. 
  • BE BRAVE ENOUGH TO SAY GOODBYE- Goodbyes are usually the hardest things- yet the most beautiful ones. Don't worry if your path seems lonely right now. You are simply removing energies that no longer match the frequency of your future. 
  • ONLY YOU CAN SAVE YOURSELF- No one can and no one may save you. Your tough times in life are only yours, no one owes it for you. You can rise up from anything. You can completely recreate yourself. On a similar note, no one can get you out of your own rut. No one could have ever pulled me out of my struggles in 2018- not my family, not my friends, no one but only ME.

Things I learnt on my way to 24th birthday!

  • CHASE DREAMS NOT PEOPLE- The people in our life will come and go. Circumstances will change, your life will consistently evolve. Give yourself permission to live a BIG LIFE. Why do you doubt yourself? Don't you know how good you are? Dreams are worth chasing, people are not at any cost.                                                                                                                   
  •  SELF CARE IS IMPORTANT- Self-care is self-love. Up your levels of self-care and watch how much less you care about what isn't good for you. For a change take a short break from your work and pamper yourself, spend some quality time, go on a vacation, go to the gym, do whatever makes your soul happy. That joy is beyond words.                                                                
  • FOREVER IS NOT A MYTH- Forever is not a myth, its a choice. I love my family and my career a lot more than anything in my life. On the other side of the coin, how lucky two people are to be in order to fall for each other at exactly the right time in exactly the right way, accepting each other wholly, that's FOREVER.                                                                               
  • TRUST THE PROCESS- Its a most common saying," have faith in whatever you are going through, you are becoming stronger. " We spend 95% of our life finding X and 5% actually enjoying the Y. It's all process- in life, in work, in love. Learn to love that 95%.                       Remember, that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.                                                     
  • EAT CLEAN, DRINK CLEAN- It's simple if you want a healthy body, you should surely opt. for hygienic food and drinks.  This means a good balance of-     
  • Proteins
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Water
  • Calcium
  • Sunlight
  • Fresh air
  • Exercise
  • Good sleep
  •  Fresh air                                                                                                                                           
  • EMBRACE THE CHANGE- If you are serious about change, you have to go through uncomfortable situations and stop trying to dodge the process. It's the only way to grow. During the process focus on clearing your skin, growing your hair well, staying busy, making money and being HAPPY.
  • TRAVEL AND TELL NO ONE- Travel, as much as you can. As it is said, " money fills your pockets, adventure fills your soul". It refreshes our mind and helps us to focus and concentrate on our goals more clearly. I would suggest if you are happy-travel if you are sad-travel if you are lonely-travel if you are distracted-travel. Travelling is not the solution to every problem but it clears the glass for you. 
          As always, thank you for reading.  These are some lessons which I had learnt and are worth sharing. I hope to build on these lessons, make amends with my past and continue growing in life.⧭⧭

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