Why it is important to be a happy being?

Listen to the silence, it has so much to say!

Happiness is a feeling that is it at its best when it is shared. So, it is important to be a happy being first. Also, it's equally important to surround yourself with happy and positive people to enhance your happiness. Happy people spread happiness and good vibes wherever they go. It might sound strange but it is completely true. Everyone wishes to have a positive relationship with the people around them, but it is not always the case. When you surround yourself with optimistic and positive people it instantly reflects on your mood and way you look at life. That's why it is important to be happy being. 

What is Genuine happiness?

When you seriously consider what is the most desirable state of being in life, all will point to happiness. We may think that primary survival needs, our instincts are on the vanguard of our search for fulfillment, but soon enough we realize that they weren't. 
After our needs for survival are met we experience a fleeting movement of satisfaction, but not a feeling movement profound peace and a deep sense of happiness. What will generally happen is that we will be presented with the next object of our need, anything will appear to be "essential" to our well-being. The appetite for external things and experiences will continue to rise in tandem to our ability to acquire them. 

Being a good and happy person can carry different meanings for different people. Some of us believe it to be based on a moral compass revolving around generosity, charity, taking care of others and empathy. Other people link it with materialistic wealth, successful careers and a higher standard of living. 

In a true sense, it is believed that in order to achieve fulfillment and completely rewarding life, it is important to maintain balance one's body and soul. The harmony between the soul as well as the body leads to ultimate happiness and wellness. 

Why it is important to be a happy being?

Listen to the silence, it has so much to say!

Plus points of being a happy being:

1. You learn the art of laughing- Happy people find happiness even in the most simple things in life. Therefore, they won't stress on the mirror setbacks and keep moving forward on the path of happiness. So, when you are around them pick on this habit as well. 

2. You get positive energy- Happy people keep their environment full of positivity. Some people are full of negative thoughts and their mind constantly looks for negative parts of life. When you stay in their company you turn into a cynic as well. In contrast to that happy people fill your mind with good vibes and thoughts. 

3. Hope and Inspiration- Happy people are not afraid to face their fears, they do it with a happy approach. If you spend little time with them you feel an instant mood lift. They inspire others and make them hopeful. 

So, why don't you start feeding your soul and do whatever it makes it happy? If you are confused about how to do it, keep reading. 
1. Radiate happiness- Happiness is a matter of personal choice and energy that you cultivate every single day. So do your best and experience high vibrations energy such as fun, joy, peace, magic, and love. (Some of my favorite energies) This is for your own fulfillment and well- being. Experiencing happiness can also have a ripple effect, i.e. it will spread to those around you on its own. 

2. Never ignore what your heart says- Try becoming less centered around your own thoughts and focus more own your thoughts and focus on your soul and heart. When you already enable yourself to listen to your soul instead of the world, know that you have become the master of life. 
Your inner guide will help you what to do, where to go, and what to say. Your soul will guide you about what exactly you need in order to achieve the highest good, happiness, and growth. 
Follow your heart, as this is the most reasonable action plan you have.   

3. Be Mindful- Know that now is the time when you can fully experience your life. So get out of the vicious cycle of worries, daydreams, and thoughts and relish in the current movement. Perform every task with full energy, attention, and love. Try connecting with your senses throughout the entire length of the day. Dedicate yourself completely to the current movement without holding anything back. Remain mindful and witness how it makes your soul happy. 

The importance of making our soul happy is quite clear. With a happy soul comes a happy mind and body. As long as you nurture and nourish your soul, it will help you pass various obstacles and achieve success in life. So focus all your energy on doing whatever makes your soul happy.   

Thank You!
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