Why mental health is so important?

Peace of mind is a treasure to a happy life!

Let's start with the core meaning of mental health, mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel and act. Mental health is integral to living a healthy, balanced life. Our mental health also affects our decision-making process, how we cope with stress and how we relate to others in our lives. So, that's the conclude reason why mental health is so important?  

Peace of mind is a treasure to a happy life!

Why mental health is so important? 


Emotional and mental health is so important because it's a vital part of your life and impacts your thoughts, behavior, and emotions. It plays an important part in the health of your relationships and allows you to adapt to changes in your life and to cope with adversity. Being healthy emotionally can promote productivity and effectiveness in activities like work, school or care-giving.

How can you improve your emotional health day-to-day?

There are steps you can take to improve your mental health every day:
  • Small things like Exercising
  • Eating a balanced and healthy meals
  • Opening up to people in your life
  • Taking a break when you need to
  • Remembering something you are grateful for
  • Getting a proper good night sleep
When is a good time to reach out for help?

Issues related to mental health can impact different people in different ways. If you start to see changes in your overall happiness and relationships, there are always ways to get the support you want. Here are some ways you can get help:
  • Connect with other individuals, friends and family members who motive you
  • Learn more about mental health
  • Talk to a professional
  • Spent most of your time doing anything which gives your mind, happiness
  • Travel to different places you have not been to
  • Meditation/yoga is not a bad option
Need of the hour...

Besides striving to free our society from the clutches of stigmatization, the need of the hour is to strongly advocate the preventive as well as curative aspects of mental health. We all should come together to work towards the very grass-root levels and help make a difference in the community at large. At the same time, we need to promote adequate training and empowerment of parents, teachers, social workers actively engaging with children and adolescents, to be able to have the timely interventions for the young minds who shall form the future of our country.

As a final word, I think we have a three-fold responsibility towards the future of mental health in our nation today. Spreading a widespread awareness, creating sensitivity within ourselves and building a preventive approach to be able to reach out all sections of the community.

If you want to know more, stay tuned:

Here is the link of First Post of my Blog: 

Pursuing Blogging under the guidance of Rajeev Anand


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    1. Thanks for the appreciation on this post, keep liking keep supporting.

  2. Replies
    1. Mental Health is extremely important to humans as day by day mental stress is over powering our minds. Mental peace brings out the best in us. Thank You for liking this post "Why mental health is so important?" on my blog.

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    1. Thank You so much for your continuous love and support on my blog.

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    1. Thank You Happy Kid for this appreciation on this post. Keep reading, keep smiling.

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    1. Thank You so much for the appreciation and your valuable comment on this post from Zeal to live life.


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