Faith can Move Mountains

➤➤Faith in being: Alive, Blessed and Grateful  ➤➤

Faith opens the doors to miracles. If we study the Bible or history, you find them every time God moves on Earth and does a miracle, it's because somebody believed everything you ask for in prayers will be yours but at the right time, if you only have faith. It's a true saying, "Faith can Move Mountains". 

Our Faith Can Move Mountains!
Every time you stretch your faith, God does miracles.
Faith can Move Mountains! 

Faith can move mountains. I truly believe that, with faith, we are able to achieve more than we can ever imagine. It takes great courage to overcome one's fears and take that leap of faith. It may be difficult to let go of control, but time and time again, I am reminded that God is in control of everything. It is also not easy to step out of one's comfort zone and let God take the wheel, sort to speak, but I must say that from my own personal experiences, it is in those movements of sweet surrender that God does His greatest work and performs miracles in our lives. 
As one of my friends told me, "God's timing is a strange thing, but when you let go of the wheel and allow him to drive,  you can sit back and enjoy the ride." She is absolutely right!

When we surrender all our fears and worries to God, we allow the real healing and transformation to take place within ourselves- spiritually, mentally and physically- and God is able to transform our lives in ways that we are not able to imagine.

Remember, however, that we decide to let go, this does not mean that our faith will not be tested and things will be easy. There are times things in our lives must be broken apart for God to do his work and put the pieces back together where they arise that become opportunities for us to change our focus, put back on track or simply steer us in the right direction. We must also remember to trust God's intervention and that everything happens in accordance with God's plan and, therefore, everything has a time and purpose.

God has set up the universe in a hierarchy of laws, and the law of faith is actually a higher law than the law of nature. That's where miracles come in. Because when faith is used, the law of faith goes into practice, and the law of faith can actually do more than the law of physics.

Does God still perform miracles today? Of course, he does. Every time you stretch your faith, God does miracles- every single time. My question for you is this: What's the thing you've already decided will never change? That's a self-fulfilling prophecy. But how do you know it won't change? Maybe God wants your faith to supersede the law of nature. He has in the past, and he is doing it today all around the world. God is in the mountain-moving business. Do not doubt or underestimate what he wants to do in your life.

You might say," I don't see many miracles in my life". How would you answer this question: Are you seeing with eyes of fear, or are you seeing with eyes of faith? Faith opens the door to miracles.
So, your faith can move mountains and your doubt can create them.

Thank You for giving your time.
If you want to know more, stay tuned.
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